I am Jen.
I am 35 years old.
I am the proud mother of this incredible little boy.
We co-sleep.
We cloth diaper.
Breastfeeding is still going strong. (Oh, the horror!)
We are Gluten Free.
We are Vegetarian. (But eat seafood on occasion)
I practice peaceful parenting (and it DEFINITELY takes practice)
We both wear our babies. . .
And . . .
I am a single mom.
I work full time.
My work takes me all over the Midwest, and sometimes farther.
I have perfected the art of pumping on the go.
I have an AMAZING support system.
My son LOVES his nanny. (and so do I)
I planned to be happily married. Twice.
I planned to be living in Arizona, enjoying the most beautiful weather all year 'round.
I planned to be done having babies by 30.
The universe had a different plan.
This is not the life I planned. This is not the life that I (intentionally) chose. This life is better than I could have ever imagined, and sometimes it takes a while after your "plan" crashes and burns, before you realize that even the challenges in life are part of a much larger plan.
This is not what I expected . . . It's more.
I love my life.
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