Want to win a FREE Amber Teething Necklace? Scroll down for GIVEAWAY link... "Awwww, What's his na . . . oh sorry HER name?" (as Jackson's Amber necklace peeks out of his collar) Please don't get me wrong, I am in no way offended by this simple assumption. But I'm sorry, have you seen this kid? He is ALL boy, if I've ever seen one. Jackson sporting his Amber necklace in polished yellow Now back to the necklace. About one week before my lil' monster decided to make his earthly debut, I got a little package in the mail that I was really excited about. It was a Dark Cherry Raw Amber* Teething Necklace. It was so cool that I wanted one for myself. I had only recently learned some pretty interesting things about Amber. First things first, the most common question I have heard . . . Is it for chewing? No, it most definitely is not. It actually warms to the body temperature, and then releases trace amounts of a natural healing substance cal...
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