While Jackson is my first born, he is definitly not my first baby. That title belongs to a sweet 4 legged girl named Shai-Anne. Ten years ago, when I moved out to Arizona I adopted Shai when she was just a couple months old.
Her name at the shelter was Lavergne, and she was there with Shirley and Squiggy too :)
One year later, I adopted Lola. Her mom was found wandering the desert, pregnant. She is my special needs pup, & worth every one of the sleepless nights spent worrying about her health in her first year.
She is totally healthy now, BTW.
Both of my girls are Australian Shepherds, and have grown up together as sisters. I raised them with free access to the yard by way of a doggie door, and it has worked out pretty well.
Well, until now.
Having a doggie door when you only have dogs is GREAT! They can let themselves out, meaning no accidents in the house. It means no early morning wake-ups from doggies doing the potty dance. It also means coming home to muddy footprints after a long rain. Footprints I can deal with. . . But there was one thing I didn't anticipate. I didn't think about baby proofing the doggie door.
The same door that gives my dog-ters their freedom, has now turned into an escape hatch for a 17month old lil' monster.
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Shai - "I tried to stop him, Mom. I swear" |
Sometimes I'll catch him lurking by the door, and I am able to distract him before he makes a break for it. Occasionally I'll get there fast enough to scoop him up while he is backing out the doggie door. There have been several occasions, however, when I have been a little too slow, and all I hear is the dreaded "flap flap flap" of the door swinging shut. By the time I get there, all I see is a tiny trouble-maker sprinting into the wilds of the back yard. This has become a game. . . and while I am sure this will be something to look back on, in my old age, right now it's the little guy doing all of the laughing.
There is nothing sweeter than watching my girls interact with their "little brother".
These are moments that I will cherish . . . A boy and his dogs . . .
In my search for the perfect pictures for this post, I came across a pic of my VERY FIRST go at Attachment Parenting, almost 8 years before my little guy came along. Thanks for the practice, Shai!
I had a chuckle about this one . . .
(sorry Mom)
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