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Showing posts from April, 2013

Mother's Day . . . What EXACTLY were you expecting?!?

So ladies, I know I am not going to gain a popularity award with this post, but I'm ok with that. I have been a single mom since the very beginning of my pregnancy, so Mother's Day tends to look quite different in our family than most others that I know. Let me ask you this . . . When you decided to become a mom, which of the following "perks" weighed in on your decision? One day a year, you look forward to a "bouquet" of gas station flowers. (I mean, who DOESN'T love Baby's Breath?!?) One day a year, you look forward to getting a massage. (Yup . . . once a year makes such a difference . . . SOOO relaxing!) One day a year, you look forward to getting a three minute foot rub. (Just imagine what would happen if he stopped THIS foot rub because "his hands got tired") One day a year, you look forward to getting a piece of jewelry that you don't need, or really LIKE for that matter. ("Gee, thanks ...

It's Time To Re-Define "Only Child Syndrome"

The stigma of being an only child is a powerful one. From time to time, I will meet someone who is surprised because I don't "seem like an only child".  Um . . . Thanks? SELFISH AGGRESSIVE BOSSY SPOILED ROTTEN SELF-CENTERED ENTITLEMENT  LONELY Raise your hand if you know someone that has, at one point, exhibited one of the personality traits above. Keep your hand raised if that same person has a brother or a sister. Now, raise your other hand if you, yourself have ever been guilty of one or more of those nasty traits. Arms getting tired??? That's exactly what I thought.  Not a single one of us is born acting like an "only child". Bratty kids are usually a product of their upbringing, whether they have siblings or not.  I have to believe that MOST parents don't set out to "spoil" their children. I wonder if it just sneaks up on them, one tantrum at a time.  So here I am. An only child, raising an only child. As a mot...

This is not what I expected . . . It's more.

I am Jen.   I am 35 years old.  I am the proud mother of this incredible little boy.  We co-sleep.  We cloth diaper.  Breastfeeding is still going strong. (Oh, the horror ! ) We are Gluten Free.  We are Vegetarian. (But  eat seafood on occasion)  I practice peaceful parenting (and it DEFINITELY takes practice) We both wear our babies. . .  And . . .  I am a single mom. I work full time. My work takes me all over the Midwest, and sometimes farther.  I have perfected the art of pumping on the go. I have an AMAZING support system. My son LOVES his nanny. (and so do I) I planned to be happily married. Twice.  I planned to be living in Arizona, enjoying the most beautiful weather all year 'round.  I planned to be done having babies by 30. The universe had a different plan. This is not the life I planned...