I have found myself in a situation that is completely new to me. It's hard to admit that I am not The Great and Powerful Jen, able to handle everything on my own . . . from behind the curtain. ". . . pay no attention. . . " As hard as it was to do . . . I needed to ask for help. In the past 2 years, I have been working on paying it forward whenever I can. It's never been much, but I discovered that it filled my heart and soul in ways that I needed. In ways that are hard to explain. On occasion, I would go onto this site called GoFundMe . I was moved by so many of the stories, but even more so by the generosity of strangers. Some of the stories brought me to tears. From time to time, I would see a friend post a link about a friend or family member in need. I have even had some close friends turn to this resource to seek help. NEVER did I imagine that I would be in the position where I would be telling my story there. Reaching out to friends, family and str...