It has been nearly 2 1/2 years, I think it's about time to tell our story. After all, my experiences on September 16th 2011 have led me down a path that I otherwise wouldn't have traveled. While Jackson was not planned, finding out I was pregnant was a wonderful surprise. This will be a very long and detailed story. If you do not wish to read about the details of my birth, please stop here. :) I had an amazing pregnancy, and felt stronger, happier and healthier than I have felt in my whole life. My EDD (estimated due date) was 9/10/11. At that point, I was feeling some pretty intense back pain, so I was ready to meet my little man. However, he had other plans. At my 40 week midwife appointment, I was told that if I didn't go into labor on my own by 41 weeks, I would need to be induced. I told her I wouldn't be doing that. It was pretty disheartening to learn that even midwives offer this type of fear based mis-information. Six day...